It´s been a pretty stormy few days - when it rains here, it REALLY rains! Undaunted, we´ve been to see lots of live music - some Argentine indie, Argentine rock, and intended to see some rabble-rousing, foot-stomping north-west Argentinian stuff at a local "peña" last night, but instead got lots of mournful Chilean ballads!! (Which, of course, was amazing...)
Also attempted to meet up with some locals, friends of friends, but failed dismally - despite me asking various bemused punters whether they were Lucas. None of them were. At least the bar (Le Cigale) was cool - within five minutes they´d played Bowie, the Cars and the heavily tattooed barman had complimented me on my Cheap Trick T shirt so it was definitely my kinda place!

Finally got to the rock bar, Salon Pueyrredon, last night (the key is turning up AFTER midnight!) which was great - amusingly I noticed they advertised themselves as being in "Palermo Bronx", to set themselves apart from "Palermo Soho", "Palermo Hollywood" and even the more recent, and controversial, "Palermo Queens" (which is basically our own neighbourhood, Villa Crespo). But only tossers and estate agents call it that, apparently. Dunno if I approve of "Palermo Bronx" either, really...

Will miss Villa Crespo - even managed to vaguely get the hang of the local bus system! - but looking forward to heading over to Cordoba tomorrow for a coupla nights!
PS I went for Chacarita in the end, for those who are interested - they are the most local to us, after all! Though they also look to be in relegation trouble, argh!!