Monday, 26 April 2010
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
The Norte Grande

Speaking of which, the highlight of the area for me was a trip to a nearby ghost town. I'd read up on Humberstone before we left and was more excited about seeing a real-life dead town than going to Iguaçu

It had been a few weeks since we´d hit some hot springs, and luckily there are a few to choose from in the area. We went to Mamiña - a tiny village two hours from Iquique famed for the therapeutic properties of its water. We weren't banking on being presented on arrival at the first springs with a bucket of warm mud, gathered fresh from...the mud. We slopped it on and waited for it to dry in the sun before getting into the water. You'd pay a fortune for this at home! That said, this was about as rustic as it gets (and the smell of sulphur took some getting used to). We were all alone in our little corner of radioactive mud and smelly water - it was brilliant. The next baths were just th

Thursday, 15 April 2010
the desert sessions

Going to visit the Valle de la Luna (Moon Valley) at sunset was the only trip we took, which was great as it involved no discomfort whatsoever - I cannot emphasise strongly enough how much we´re enjoying being back in countries with PAVED ROADS. It is BLISS! Anyway, here are some pics from there to give you an idea of the mind-blowing scenery:

We hadn´t initially planned on going over to the Salta region in north-west Argentina, but having heard how brilliant it was about a million times, we re-routed and crossed the border again to the land of gauchos, amazing steaks and red wine, and as you can see we were very glad to be back!

Conveniently enoug

We found time - just - to visit Cafayate, however, which was almost dream-like in its beauty (though maybe it was just because everything was closed for the afternoon?). A local simpleton strumming away, wailing off-key laments to no one in

So, after that very pleasant interlude, it´s back to the north of Chile now for more desert action, and hopefully some ghost towns and hot springs thrown in. See you all soon!
PS Are you all still reading, by the way? No one has commented in ages... If you don´t want us to get demoralised and think you all hate us now, then please say hello! Lots of love xx
Sunday, 11 April 2010
some final thoughts on Bolivia...

The Aymaras on the whole can actually be pretty bloody rude. This unfortunately slightly marred our enjoyment of some parts of Bolivia, mainly the area around Lake Titicaca. This wasn´t just the "reserved" nature of highland people that we´d got used to, this was people being downright ill mannered, and the difference was marked when when we got down to Cochabamba and Sucre (especially the former), where we were overwhelmed by the friendliness we encountered.

Chuflay was a bit of a disappointment. For a bevvy with such a great name, the national favourite of singani (the local spirit) and Sprite turned out to taste much like the kind of thing you get given at a house party where the hosts hadn´t made that much effort.
There was a general lack of reliable information in Bolivia. (Particularly where transport is concerned!). This did our heads in at times. The locals, who have a lot to put up with as it is, seem to not to mind this kind of thing anything like as much as we did. I guess if you lived there, it would drive you mad if it did!
Much like the Argentines and the Falklands, the Bolivians would like to get some coast back off Chile one day. They still celebrate the "Day of the Sea" every year, and the papers carry surveys asking people if they consider themselves to still have beef with Chileans. During our Salar de Uyuni trip, as well as me enduring a whole lot of ribbing about it from Jimmy the driver, we drove through some places which had been battlegrounds back during the War of the Pacific. (It´s not all been us Chileans either - Bolivia has a pretty poor record in wars with neighbours over the years, losing massive chunks territory to Paraguay and Brazil also, but they seem less fussed about that somehow...)
It was difficult to get worked up about Bolivian football (as it had been about Peruvian football), once you´d been in Brazil and Argentina. That said, if I had to pick a team to back, tempted as I was by The Strongest (or even Blooming), I would have to go for Aurora, in honour of my bandmate, and also cos they were from Cochabamba, our favourite city! (As for Peru, I went for Universitario, partly on the recommendation of a friend, and partly cos I enjoyed the saga about them being thrown out of the league for kit-related reasons).

The Salar de Uyuni was undoubtedly one of the highlights of whole trip. Despite the country as a whole having some absolutely stunning landscapes to offer, from the lush jungle of the Chapare to the amazing blue of Lake Titicaca, the Salar really was something else. Here's some video footage for you to get the picture...
Saturday, 10 April 2010
bye-bye Bolivia
Friday, 2 April 2010
"little people in funny hats"
Much as we enjoyed La Paz, it was good to get away from all the irritating gringos there (often British ones) who were doing our heads in. If anything put the nail in the coffin of doing the "Death Road" trip down to Coroico (which, let´s face it, was never really on the cards - adrenaline junkies we are not!) it was having to listen to one particularly infuriating English girl on Skype banging on about how it was "this thing that, like, everyone does" in between anecdotes about "kerr-azee" coked-up nights out in La Paz (with other gringos, obviously - these aren´t the types to interact with the local populace, unless they´re getting robbed by them).

It´s pretty evident that coca plays a pretty major role in Bolivian life (the man standing for governor of La Paz is even called Cocarico, brilliantly enough). Visiting the Coca Museum in La Paz brought that home - although, again, most of the comments left in the visitors´ book by English speakers made us embarrassed for them, and the fact that they clearly hadn´t taken anything in at all about the pernicious effect the West´s appetite for cocaine has had on this country.
Then of course the journey from La Paz to Cochabamba saw us surrounded by locals transporting enormous sacks of coca leaves across the country, and also joined by a coca preacher, delivering a half-hour sermon at full volume about all the benefits derived from the coca leaf (though it did turn out he was trying to flog some product or other). We were both missing Cruz del Sur at this point - in fact it´s fair to say we still are! Anyway, the preacher did omit to mention the effect coca-chewing has on people´s teeth (dire, from what we´re seeing around us every day!), though apparently this is only if you don´t brush your teeth afterwards! Ah...
I had a feeling we would take to Cochabamba, having heard it was friendly and unpretentious, and known for the "warmth and openness of its population", and I was proved right. In fact, it´s been our favourite place in Bolivia so far, hands down. Barely any other tourists, a large and friendly youthful population seemingly hellbent on having a good time, and to top it all, an excellent local bar whose owner was a dead ringer for a Bolivian version of The Wire´s Prop Joe!

From Cocha, we visited Villa Tunari, in the Chapare region, which used to be pretty dangerous as it´s prime coca-growing territory. This is where they grow the stuff they turn into cocaine, so straying off the beaten track around here is still very much inadvisable (pah, Death Road indeed - that´s for wusses), and our jeep got stopped by the local drug police for a routine check.

On our last night in Cocha, a table of Cochabambinos (for that is what they´re called - yet another thing we loved) asked us to join them, and we spent the rest of the night talking about President Evo Morales and the recent changes in Bolivian society with them, while downing copious amounts of dodgy-looking shooters. As far as Evo goes, you cannot avoid him in Bolivia - his face even adorns the stamps, for Christ´s sake! He is everywhere... This may have something to do with the municipal elections currently going on (more on that later), although to be fair it hardly seemed like Cochabamba was gripped with election fever, unlike La Paz, for example.

Sucre itself is, technically, also the capital of Bolivia (along with La Paz), so it basically has ideas above its station for a city of its size - it´s undeniably beautiful and Spanish-looking, with its regularly whitewashed buildings (yep, another place nicknamed "White City", aaarghh is there no escape?) although we´ve unfortunately arrived here the weekend of these sodding elections! So it´s forbidden to buy or consume any alcohol for three whole days beforehand! The obvious loophole being that you could buy as much as you wanted before that and then spend the whole weekend battered... though quite what the alcohol/election issue is in this country (and these aren´t even national elections!!), no one has convincingly explained to us. In fact, no one seems to have questioned it, in particular. And most places (except for the local gringo bar, because they had armed police outside, just to make sure) were a bit crap about the whole thing anyway - after a few exasperated/stern words, we managed to get served a couple of Paceñas to help us wash down our pizza last night.
Anyway the next stop on our adventure will be the town of Uyuni (famously awful) and the legendary salt plains. We´re doing our damnedest to save ourselves from being ripped off and scammed - it seems all the tour operators there are lying chancers - I guess we´ll have to let you know next time if we succeed...!